Blú The Label was born in July 2020.We believe when you invest in a piece it should last, quality over quantity, always.We follow a checklist process to ensure you are provided with top quality.Along with the quality, we believe in every woman should love their piece and more importantly- feel good and proud.We want as many women to feel good and proud so we have tried to make our pieces accessible to as many as possible.Made with love, for you to love.


To us, the clothes we provide are more than just a piece they're so much more than that. There is so much emotion attached to each piece- stress, joy, tears, love, passion, excitement, highs/lows and the list goes on and on- we want you to be apart of the journey with us.

Follow our instagram - @bluthelabel to get insights on the processes we go through to provide you with a Blú piece. @bluthelabel shows our truths and the reality of owning a small business!